Monday 28 November 2011

Tweet yourself silly

Majority of us are on Twitter and Facebook, tweeting and posting away about what interests us, what were doing, what we LIKE, why we go somewhere, do something, say something and the list goes on and on and on and on....

Most of us are on Twitter to follow our favourite celebrities, musicians, brand and some of our friends...mostly the latter. Those who we follow are more than aware of why we do it and the power they have and hold till fame does them part. Facebook on the other hand is a friend connecting tool, with the splash of celebrity and a lot of our local favourites e.g. clubs, shops, restaurants and bands. So which platform has the most power, or are they reliant upon one another.

Twitter seems to be the place where brands and products flaunt what they got and get millions and trillions of followers to retweet, mention or trend them. Where as Facebook seems to create a more fleeting worth of awareness and making a smaller mark on the user. However when twitter is used as an awareness mechanism (seeing as it is 140 characters or less) and Facebook is able to provide all the information you need to succeed.

I have been pulled into the force field, I am frantically tweeting and posting about Dj Afrojack and his New Years Eve competition, mostly because I want to get his post to 10,000 likes and see what,when, where and how! I'm not going to lie I want to win, but in me advertising it like this means I may not, which is fine because I'm dying to know the details so I can meet the criteria to WIN WIN WIN!

So when it comes down to it, being on social media really does work ONLY if you have the style, the product, the hype and MOST OF ALL...the crazy followers to make the gears turn and get the engine moving. Having the correct followers and being able to create a brand perception that will motivate and initiate buzz, are all necessary elements to be ruling the social media world.

WHO has you in their social media force field? WHY have you been pulled in? WHEN will you ever get out?

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